
As school counselor, college instructor, clinical supervisor, therapist, consultant, course developer, and counselor educator of career 

development, Dr. O’Hara has provided support to individuals seeking help with college admission and career guidance for decades. She also 

teaches a Mental Health and Wellness course at NYU with vocational perspectives as one of the main topics covered. As someone who began her 

freshman year with few resources and many stressors, she knows how overwhelming it can be to research opportunities, make decisions, and take 

action. At present it is especially daunting given the uncertain times we are in, with frequent job market shifts for myriad reasons. A news release 

from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (2021) found that people born between 1957 and 1964 held an average of 12 jobs from age 18 

to age 54, many being short-duration jobs. There are young adults who experience delayed “launching” and many people struggle with 

unemployment or underemployment. Layoffs, down-sizing, and resignations effect many. Those remaining in the workplace are often overloaded, 

finding work/life balance difficult to achieve. It used to be that career counseling was distinctly different from mental health counseling. Now they 

overlap due to the impact of work-related stress on one’s mental health and dominance that work holds in one’s life. If you or someone you know 

may benefit from college or work-related counseling, don’t hesitate to reach out to discuss your concerns with Dr. O’Hara.

Below is a partial list of college/career-related trainings that Dr. O’Hara has participated in: 

School Counseling to Close Opportunity Gaps: An Antiracist and Social Justice Framework

The Role of Race and Implicit Bias in Schools: Addressing the Need for Inequity

Expanding Perspectives: Systemic Approaches to College Students with Depression

LGBTQ Youth and Young Adults in School, College, Careers

Left Out in the Hallway: Equity and Success for LGBTQ and African American College Students

Physiological and Psychological Functioning of College Students of Alcoholic Parents

Intergenerational Trauma and College Student Success

Enhancing Multicultural Empathy in the Classroom and Beyond

Creating Safer Schools for GLBT Young People

College-Wide Freshman Seminar Instructor Training 

Third-Annual College Tour - Connecticut Colleges 

Presentation to PTSA on College Admission Testing 

Transition to Post-Secondary Education

Directing a Dynamic College Counseling Program

Training for Freshman Seminar Teaching

The Effective School: Making It Happen

Dissecting Depression to Increase Academic Success

College Connections

Teaching Students to Find Employment - Electronic Job Searches

Don't Be Afraid…It's Just Financial Aid

Student Motivation in the 21st Century

Developing Career Plan for Students via the Internet

Suicide in Schools: Prevention/Intervention

Study Skills Advantage Training

Customized, Computerized College Research


United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2021, August 31). Number of jobs, labor market experience, marital status, 

and health: Results from a national longitudinal survey [News Release].
