School-Related Issues

As a therapist, school counselor, parent educator, clinical supervisor, counselor educator, and consultant Dr. O’Hara has provided support for school-related issues for decades. In addition to counseling individuals and their families, facilitating parenting groups in school and agency settings, supervising counselors in training, and advocating for systemic change, she served as a Mental Health Liaison between professional mental health professionals and school counselors. Her career path has traversed between clinical and school settings, ranging from kindergartners to graduate students in Masters’ level professional programs.

Below is a partial list of school-related trainings that Dr. O’Hara has participated in:

Universal Mental Health Screening in the Schools

Setting Children up for Success: Building Social/Emotional & Academic Competence with Evidence-based Programs

Multi-tiered, Multi-domain System of Supports: A Comprehensive Model for School-Based Student Svc. Providers

What School Counselors Need to Know About Behavioral Addictions

School Counseling to Close Opportunity Gaps: An Antiracist and Social Justice Framework

Creating Social-Emotional Supportive School Environments

School Counselors' Role Navigating Trauma & Supporting Diverse Student Populations During a Double Pandemic

The Tiers of Social Emotional Learning: A Framework for Thinking About Implementation

PCIT Adaptations for Anxiety Treatment 

The Role of Race and Implicit Bias in Schools: Addressing the Need for Equity

Addressing Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Postvention in Schools

Addiction in the Schools: Improving Training for School Counselors

Expanding Perspectives: Systemic Approaches to College Students with Depression

LGBTQ Youth and Young Adults in School, College, Careers

Left Out in the Hallway: Equity and Success for LGBTQ and African American College Students

Practical Approaches to Student Learning Outcomes in Counselor Education

Physiological/Psychological Functioning of College Students of Alcoholic Parents

Intergenerational Trauma and College Student Success

Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy Techniques in School Group Counseling

Impact of Accountability on Role Confusion for School Counselors

Enhancing Multicultural Empathy in the Classroom and Beyond

Creating Safer Schools for GLBT Young People

College-Wide Freshman Seminar Instructor Training 

Third-Annual College Tour - Connecticut Colleges 

Presentation to PTSA on College Admission Testing

Transition to Post-Secondary Education

Directing a Dynamic College Counseling Program

Training for Freshman Seminar Teaching

The Effective School: Making It Happen

Dissecting Depression to Increase Academic Success

College Connections

Teaching Students to Find Employment - Electronic Job Searches

Don't Be Afraid…It's Just Financial Aid

Middle School Homework Program That Really Works

Teachers as Leaders

Standards Based Educator

Student Motivation in the 21st Century

Effective Classroom Management

Study Skills for Elementary Students

Developing Career Plan for Students via the Internet

Suicide in Schools: Prevention/Intervention

Study Skills Advantage Training

Customized, Computerized College Research

